Sunday, December 2, 2012

Stop Charms Bar to pop up accidentally

Preventing Charms bar to appear accidentally while moving the mouse to the edge.

Sometimes you would want to click on an icon which is placed on the right hand side of your Desktop Window and accidentally charms bar would show up.

You can prevent this thing from happening by making few changes.

1.     Launch registry editor by typing "regedit" in the run command. You can bring up the run command by clicking "Windows key + R"
2.     You can also launch registry editor by typing "regedit" in the search charms. It would be available in the App section.
3.     Once the registry editor is launched, navigate to the following location:-
4.     Now, you need to create new key under "ImmersiveShell". Right click ImmersiveShell and select "new", then click on "Key". Give the name to this new key as "EdgeUI". See the image below.
5.     Select EdgeUI, on the right hand side, right click and select "New" - "DWORD (32-bit) Value".

6.     Name this value as "DisableCharmsHint" and give it the value as "1".

You would require to restart the computer in order to get the effect for the changes.

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