Saturday, December 8, 2012

Force Enable Snap Feature in Windows 8

Windows 8 has a great feature of snapping two apps. This would not happen if you have screen with lower resolution.

Now, if you change the resolution, everything seems to be so smaller for some monitors. There is a way that you can forcefully enable the snap for low resolution monitors as well.

1. Launch registry editor by using the "windows key + R" or use the search feature to launch Registry Editor.

2. Navigate to the following key : "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ImmersiveShell\"

3. Right click "ImmersiveShell" and create a new key by the name "AppPositioner".

4. Once done with the above step, right click on the right hand side window (values window) and create a new DWord value by the name "AlwaysEnableLSnapping" and give it the value "1".

5. Restart the computer and use the feature to snap Windows.


  1. no longer working... :/

    1. What is the screen resolution that you have for the Windows?
